Just because someone has dementia doesn't mean you can’t spend time and have fun with them. Choosing the right failure-free activities with no right or wrong way to do things will let them feel successful. Try some of these ideas with your loved one and you will find an activity that makes them happy.
Fold towels
One good activity for an older adult with dementia is to ask them to help you fold laundry. It is best to use hand towels because they’re small and easily folded. With this activity, the person can keep occupied and happy to do something with you.
Create a memory box
A memory box can help your loved ones to feel connected to their past careers, hobbies and family or friends. Get any kind of box and fill it with things they would have used at work, for example, pencils, calculators, paper, letters, notepads etc. or copies of photos, or objects from hobbies. (Always remember that the objects need to be safe to handle).
Make a DIY picture puzzle
A good idea is to print a copy of a favourite family or friend’s photo or any special moment that was important for your loved one. Then you can laminate the photos and cut them into four or more puzzle-piece shaped pieces to make a personalized DIY puzzle.
Large print playing cards
Cards are always a good activity for seniors but often only when the letters and numbers are large and easy to read. Remember to pay attention to their behaviour signs. If you see your loved one becoming overwhelmed or frustrated, you may want to remove some of the cards. The idea is to enjoy the activity, not focus on the end result.
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